

It has been encouraging to welcome new people to our services and to the Children's Club; we invite folk to join us and enjoy fellowship and friendship with us. We serve tea and coffee after the Sunday morning service and on every second Sunday in the month we hold a fellowship tea at 4-00 pm to which all are invited. On these days, there is no 6-30 pm service.

We have recently employed contractors to render the stone-dash on the walls of the Church and paint them. On out photo page you will see "before" and "after" photos; we hope you will consider the final effect an improvement on the previous finish.

Once again we are preparing "shoeboxes" to send to impoverished families in Europe. These will be taken by Blytheswood Trust and Samaritans Purse. We hope to send the boxes in time for Christmas, 2024. They will contain dry foods, such as pasta, as well as blankets and small items of knitted clothing as well as toiletries. Boxes intended for children will include small toys. These boxes are very much appreciated as the recipients feel that they are not forgotten.

We are looking to the future of the Church and as part of that exercise are prayerfully considering the appointment of a Church worker. This person will be salaried, probably part-time, and will engage in outreach to the local community as well as ministry to the congregation. Although not appointed as Pastor from the beginning it may well be that this person's gifts will demonstrate suitability for a Pastoral appointment. We value prayer as we undertake this process.



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